IQT3 Shutdown Battery intelligent part-turn actuator provides fail-to-position functionality in the event of a mains power loss in hazardous and non-hazardous environments. The integral battery pack provides a compact, explosion proof shutdown solution. The shutdown failure mode can change depending on customer requirements.

Fail-to-position functionality.
- IQT3 Shutdown Battery actuators have the same performance and features of the IQT3 actuator
- In the event of mains power loss, the Shutdown Battery automatically moves the actuator to a pre-configured safe position (fail-to-position)
- Fail-to-position can be fail-closed, open, stayput or go-to-a-per-cent position, depending on what is needed to ensure the process fails to a safe operating state
- The IQT Shutdown Battery features an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) mode, allowing normal operation of the actuator until the battery charge has run out
- With mains power applied to the actuator, the batteries are charged from the actuator
- Watertight and explosion proof to international standards
- Benefitting from design features and industry-leading reliability of the intelligent IQ3 range