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Kerotest® Weldball® Gas Distribution Valve

In some of the most extensive tests performed on a valve, the Kerotest Weldball Gas Distribution Valve consistently meets and exceeds industry standards for design and performance.

The Weldball full port and reduced port valves come in butt weld, flange, and weld by flange configurations. Class 150 Reduced Port valves are available in sizes .75-inch through 12-inch, while the Full Port valves are available in 2-inch through 10-inch. Class 300 Reduced Port valves are available in sizes .75-inch through 8-inch, while Full Port valves are available in 2-inch thru 8-inch. And, of course you can count on zero leaks, no maintenance and no required lubrication or adjustments.

Each valve is high-pressure air tested to insure integrity and leak tightness. Use it with confidence in distribution services, meter and regulator stations, system blow down applications, hot tap applications and other applications that demand a positive shut-off.


Ultra Stop. Ultra Strong.

The Weldball Class 150 & Class 300 rated gas distribution ball valves feature the exclusive ULTRA-STOP design. The Ultra-Stop Collar eliminates the need for a shear pin and facilitates easier stem packing replacement. The incredible failure torque of the Ultra-Stop design provides the ultimate over-torque protection when operating a Weldball valve. The unique design assures that the stop action occurs below the locking plate surface, not on the top where debris could impede the square from turning.

Weldball valves meet or exceed the applicable requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 192.

  • Pressure-Temperature ratings are per API 6D
  • Qualification and Production Testing exceeds the minimum requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations and API 6D
  • Production welding meets ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX requirements

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